Innate Balance
by Bindiya Gordhan, OTR/L, AWC, Reiki Master Can your balanced state be different from mine, or anyone else? The human body is a mirror of our physical environment. The space we inhabit, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the heat of the sun, and the earth...
Ayurveda provides us with everything we need to know to live a quality life. This 5,000-year-old medical system not only guides us in treating a disease but emphasizes on preventing one. Ayurveda teaches us to eat according to our body type, take rejuvenating herbs,...
Got Headaches?
What's All This About "Maintenance Care" for Your Back? Dentists who recommend frequent teeth cleanings understand the power of maintenance. Car enthusiasts also understand the power of maintenance. A good dentist can prolong the "life" of teeth with proper...
Who Needs a Nutrition Program? Did you know that 2/3rds of diseases are caused by diet? Cancer and heart disease are the leading diseases in America. Did you know that nutrition is the leading predictor for both these diseases? Did you also know that nutrition is...
Best Sleep Position
What's the Best Sleep Position? We are constantly asked this question, and with good reason. Getting good sleep is important for proper healing, energy, and emotional well-being.But if you sleep incorrectly, it can place MORE stress on the spine and body. Here are...
Your Nervous System
Your Nervous System Keeps You Healthy (Sometimes it Needs Help!) The world's greatest doctor lives inside you - your nervous system! As you read these very words, millions of nerve impulses are communicating in your body. Branching off your spinal cord are millions of...