Tami Broderick

Tami Broderick
Registered Dietitian, Functional Nutritionist and Licensed Health Coach
Practitioners Statement
Tami Broderick is a Registered Dietitian, Functional Nutritionist and Licensed Health Coach. She received a BS degree in Nutrition with a Minor in Chemistry from CSU Long Beach in 2004. She loves getting creative in the kitchen because to her, Food truly is Medicine! She started her company Healthy Fit Nutrition in 2006, and has been helping her clients achieve their health and wellness goals through an individualized patient-centered approach.
Her expertise is in the areas of weight loss, diabetes, food sensitivities and disease management. Inflammation is the root cause of all disease, so using a combination of specialty lab testing, therapeutic diets, detoxification programs and supplements, she is able to help alleviate chronic health concerns such as food sensitivities, GI disorders, auto-immune conditions, chronic fatigue, heart disease, etc.
Her weight management program has had tremendous success by providing a personalized program that suits each client’s specific lifestyle, health conditions and goals. Tami teaches you how to “Balance Life With Nutrition,” by providing the tools that will allow you to achieve your weight loss goals, and maintain them for a lifetime.

Individual Sessions
60 minutes – $175.00
90 minutes – $275.00
One Time Appointment with Meal Plan ($375.00)
- 90-minute comprehensive initial evaluation & assessment
- Personalized meal plan (No follow-up appointments are included with this package)
Optimum Results Package $975.00)
- 90-minute comprehensive initial evaluation & assessment
- Personalized meal plan
- Supplement review and recommendation
- Eight 30-minute follow-up sessions
- Exclusive access to our customizable meal planning software
- Mobile app with access to private food, mood and lifestyle journals with optional calorie tracking
- Unlimited e-mail support for questions and troubleshooting for 3 months
Jump Start Package ($775.00)
- 90-minute comprehensive initial evaluation & assessment
- Personalized meal plan
- Supplement review and recommendation
- Five 30-minute follow-up sessions
- Exclusive access to our customizable meal planning software
- Mobile app with access to private food, mood and lifestyle journals with optional calorie tracking
- Unlimited e-mail support for questions and troubleshooting for 2 months
Basic Package ($675.00)
- 90-minute comprehensive initial evaluation & assessment
- Personalized meal plan
- Supplement review and recommendation
- Three 30-minute follow-up sessions
- Exclusive access to our customizable meal planning software
- Mobile app with access to private food, mood and lifestyle journals with calorie tracking
- Unlimited e-mail support for questions and troubleshooting for 1 month
I also offer specialty testing in my practice that can all be done remotely – the following are the test packages that I offer, and what they include:
MRT (Mediator Release Test) / LEAP nutrition counseling
Basic Package ($975.00) * – insurance does not cover this test
- MRT for 170 foods and food chemicals
- Overnight FedEx shipping of MRT blood draw to Oxford Biomedical Technologies
- MRT results and getting started guide (80 pages)
- Two one-hour consultations to implement the various phases of your elimination diet
- Tracking of symptoms and problem solving
- Unlimited E-mail support for questions, troubleshooting, and tips for two months
* To add MRT Testing to an existing package – price is $775.00
Basic Package ($675.00) – some portion may be covered by insurance
- Detailed Report from lab with results on potential microbiome imbalances, including
bacterial, parasitic and viral pathogens that can cause disease
- Detailed analysis of lab report by Healthy Fit
- Supplement and lifestyle recommendations to correct imbalances
- One-hour consultation to explain test results and provide recommendations
- Unlimited E-mail support for questions, and troubleshooting for one month\
Basic Package ($675.00) – insurance does not cover this test
- Learn how our genes work together in cellular pathways and functional systems to control
processes such as inflammation, oxidative stress, metabolism and detoxification.
- Detailed report identifies 36 different metabolic pathways and over 100 genes including
- Personalized Supplement and lifestyle recommendations to allow for actionable results.
- Two hours consultation to explain test results and provide recommendations
- Unlimited E-mail support for questions, and troubleshooting for one month
OTHER TESTS AVAILABLE – prices vary – minimum $199.00 lab testing fee
- Micronutrient Testing
- Hormones (Dutch Test)
- Thyroid
- Heavy Metals
- Celiac Panel
- Traditional Wellness
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Telephone : 805.653.6008