Nahpat Krasaeyan

Nahpat Krasaeyan, L.Ac.
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Fire Cupping
Gua Sha
Practitioners Statement
My first experience with acupuncture was in 2003 when I walked into a local community acupuncture clinic with chronic low back pain that was getting worse. At the time, I did not believe in acupuncture at all but had to do something. After my third acupuncture and moxibustion treatment my pain was gone. I was greatly impressed. These miraculous needles along with other Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques opened my heart to how amazing the body is and how it can heal itself naturally.
This began my journey with acupuncture and I continued it at Yo San University in Southern California with the strong belief in this ancient wisdom and the opportunity it gives others. Acupuncture and TCM help the body do its job successfully, benefiting rather than harming the body further. I believe acupuncture is “The power of Natural Healing” and I love to see my patients smile when the pain is gone.
Master Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yo San University – April 2011
California Acupuncture License – March 2012
Treatments & Therapies
Acupuncture Prices May, 2023
New Patient Acu………………………………….$110.00
Cupping W/Treatment+ Copay ………$40.00
Micro Current Acu…………………………………$90.00
Acupressure …………………………………………$70.00
Moxa Only ……………………………………. …….$25.00
Exingtin Patient With Discount Tx. Cost
Will $5.00 Ext. $60.00=$65.00
*Some therapies including Cupping are at an additional charge and are not covered by most insurances.
**Additional package paymet palns are available. Packages cannot be combined with insurance. Other restrictions apply.
Schedule an Appointment
Telephone : +1.805.653.6008